Why Purchase From Us?

Made in the USA - our paver coatings are manufactured by us in our own facility in Phoenix, Arizona using our own employees. We are proudly "Made in the USA".

Experience, Know How & National Scope - We manufacture a full line of coatings, including polyaspartic polyureas, epoxies, acrylics, UV curable coatings, concrete crack repair resins and cleaner / degreasers. We are one of the nations largest manufacturers of coatings used in concrete flooring and our products are sold and installed in all 50 states, throughout Canada, and Asia. Our raw material suppliers are among the world's largest chemical companies - BASF, Bayer Materials Sciences, 3M, Cytec, BYK and Air Products, to name a few.

Quality Control – all our products are formulated and tested in our own laboratories, in Fountain Hills, Arizona. We employ all the standard QC measures to insure a quality product is made and delivered to you.

We Also Use What We Make & Sell To You - What really sets us apart from nearly everyone in the industry is that we are also operating a local business and sell and install our own products for homeowners in the Phoenix market. This means we regularly use all the same products that we are selling to you.

Family owned – our company is family owned. We have 3 generations of family working in our offices and labs. This is our business and our family's livelihood. The only way we prosper is to make a consistently good product for you.

Low-cost Manufacturer / No middlemen Mark-Up – The "Great Recession" ironically did us a huge favor. It caused us to totally rethink our entire business from start to finish. Over the last several years, we've cut out every non-essentially expense and luxury item not necessary to our business. The result has been to give us one of the lowest cost manufacturing operations in the industry. In fact, our operating costs are so low that the highest price we sell a polyaspartic polyureas coating used on concrete floors is $82.50 a gallon when almost all our competition is selling this product for $120 to $150 a gallon. We shook up the industry so much over our low pricing that we are proud to say that we even received death threats from our competitors for selling at such a low price!

Choose a Topic:
The Application Process
Why Coat Your Pavers?
Who Buys Our Paver Coatings?
How Long Will It Last?
Are The chemicals Harmful?
Percent Solids

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